Saturday, June 11, 2011

Gratitude Journal

I've been hearing about this Gratitude Journal for some time and I never even thought about keeping one myself,I have to much to do as it is,I don't have time for another 'must do' . Few days ago I ran into a Fibro related website and one of the self help strategies was keeping a Gratitude Journal. I gave it some thought and I think it's a wonderful idea. We all live such fast paced life that we just don't have time to 'stop and smell the roses'. There are so many things that we take for granted,we think it just has to be that way,well, it does not. Living with chronic illness is very hard, just doing everyday activities such as going to work or housekeeping gets unbearable on a bad day and then on a good day you try to recoup and recover from what ever hit you few days ago. In that struggle we forget about all the nice things that happen to us. Think about what makes you happy,what brought a smile to your face today,what were you able to accomplish.

Here are few entriess from my journal,they might seam so simple and for other people they are just granted but they meant a lot to me:

* Very happy about awards my children brought home from school, my son got 'Quiet and Respectfull' and my daughter got 'Very Artistic' .

(the award my son got had a drawing of a little mouse on it, it describes him so well :) )

*Day at work went pretty well, I was feeling very bad but I managed to accomplish a lot.

* Kids brought the report cards home from school,very proud of them.

* One of my associates brought me a cup of decaf mocha (my favorite), just because,was very happy to get to sit down and have my mocha and it made me feel good that someone thought of me while they were getting their coffee (this does not happen at all at my work place).

* 'The Friendly couple' waived to me this morning,it just made my day.

The last one has to be explained. To get to work I take highway and to get to that highway I cut through trailer park. There is this very nice double wide,fenced in, nice yard,very well maintained. Older couple lives in it. Some of the mornings when I go to work they sit on their front porch and they always wave to the drivers of the cars that pass by. Now you have to understand that a lot of cars pass by,they wave to each one and they always look as if they care,they will wave and smile and that's the way they wish you a good day. And I always have a good they when I see them:)

Even reading about it makes me smile:) This Gratitude Journal might actually be a very good idea,try it and let me know if and how it works for you.

Good night to all!

1 comment:

  1. Now this is really good idea,I will try to put it into action :)
    Regarding friendly couple, I thought about Queen Elizabeth and her husband, waving to ppl passing by,siting in a yard in front of trailer,and that got me smiling too :)
